Leon Smith

Career History

From humble beginnings hacking on PHP sites in high school to leading a software engineering team as a Technical Director, my professional career has been varied as I strive to keep learning and improving within the fast changing industry that is software.

Areas Of Expertise

Areas Of Expertise

Whilst general knowledge is always a positive attribute I have also have a deep understanding of my areas of expertise, ranging from languages like Python, frameworks like Django and Flask or cloud providers like AWS & GCP

My Toolset

My Toolset

Your chosen toolset is a critical part of any profession, It reflects the type of individual you are and quality of work you strive for. I take great pride in my tools and understand the value these tools bring to my work.

My Publications

I infrequently publish anything but this servers as a list of some of my recent publications.

PyDig Github Repository


I like simple APIs and quering DNS records in python is harder than it should be. PyDig aims to solve that by leveraging BIND's dig pacakge.

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Django source code

8 Reasons why Django is a great framework

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